Michele Ramazza - Outdoormix Festival

Michele Ramazza

it 41 yo


I started canoeing when I was 10 years old. I spent my adolescence among the slalom fields all over Europe, training to be part of the national youth team. The hard and constant training, which led me to participate in the world and European junior slalom canoe championships, taught me what it means to work hard for a goal and how wonderful it is to achieve it. At 18 I started studying Physics and had to abandon slalom as the agonist’s career was not compatible with the university study I was undertaking. Inside me, however, I have always felt hungry for challenges and adrenaline and extreme canoeing has allowed me to fully satisfy it : abandoned the racing canoe, I started to experience the river in another way, traveling the world in search of wonderful rivers and of increasingly difficult passages.

His sponsors

  • Sandiline
  • Werner Paddle
  • Waves Sport
  • TD Model

His sport

Kayak Extreme Kayak

Following the destruction of the clapière wave during the December 2023 floods, we are unable to organize a kayak competition.

Kayakers are still welcome at the festival to enjoy the many rivers in the area. All they need to do is obtain a festival pass and/or camping pitch directly from the reception desk at the La Clapière municipal campsite.

We’ll be pulling out all the stops to ensure that kayaking makes a big comeback next year.

His achievements


1st - Alpin Sprint - Valsesia River Festival - Trento, Italia


1st - Asahan river festival -Toba Caldera, India


1st - Dam2Dam Devil Race - Lipno, Czech Republic

Ses résultats du Spring 2017

# Rider
1 Gregor Becke
2 Eric Deguil - Outdoormix Festival Eric Deguil fr
3 Michele Ramazza - Outdoormix Festival Michele Ramazza it

the other riders

Joaquim Fontané Maso - Outdoormix Festival

Joaquim Fontané Maso

Kayak Kayak Freestyle 31 yo es

view his details

Mathieu Dumoulin - Outdoormix Festival

Mathieu Dumoulin

Kayak Kayak Freestyle 38 yo fr

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Eric Deguil - Outdoormix Festival

Eric Deguil

Kayak Kayak Extreme 44 yo fr

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Michal Buchtel - Outdoormix Festival

Michal Buchtel

Kayak Kayak Extreme 39 yo cz

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Jacques Gilardone - Outdoormix Festival

Jacques Gilardone

Kayak Kayak Extreme 35 yo it

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Pavlina Zasterova - Outdoormix Festival

Pavlina Zasterova

Kayak Kayak Extreme 29 yo cz

view his details

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